You shouldn't have to send a plain text version if your already sending a ADF version. The CRM will parse the ADF version so the dealer can read it.
Some of the forms on our group website I have a hard time systematically routing via the website provider. So, to overcome this issue, I have the XML / ADF version of the lead sent to my inbox and I have rules set up to check for keywords inside the body of the email. If content in the email contains the name for one of our dealerships, that email gets automatically forwarded to the leads email address for that particular CRM the store is using. Here is an example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?ADF version="1.0"?>
<prospect status="new">
<id sequence="1" source="Orginating Source for the Lead"><![CDATA["Your Lead Id Here"]]></id>
<vehicle interest="buy" status="used">
<odometer status="unknown" units="mi"><![CDATA[200000]]></odometer>
<price type="quote" currency="USD"><![CDATA[200000]]></price>
<name part="first"><![CDATA[Customer First Name]]></name>
<name part="last"><![CDATA[Customer Last Name]]></name>
<email><![CDATA[Customer Email address ]]></email>
<phone type="voice" time="nopreference"><![CDATA[Customer Contact Phone Here]]></phone>
<street line="1"><![CDATA[]]></street>
<street line="2"><![CDATA[]]></street>
<postalcode><![CDATA[Zipcode Here]]></postalcode>
---------- Minimum Highway Fuel Economy: 10
---------- Maximum Highway Fuel Economy: 60 ]]></comments>
<vendorname><![CDATA[Dealership Automotive name]]></vendorname>
<name part="first"><![CDATA[Dealership Contact First Name]]></name>
<name part="last"><![CDATA[Dealership Contact Last Name]]></name>
<phone type="voice" time="nopreference"><![CDATA[Dealership Phone number]]></phone>
<street line="1"><![CDATA[Dealership street address]]></street>
<street line="2"><![CDATA[]]></street>
<city><![CDATA[Dealership City]]></city>
<regioncode><![CDATA[Dealership state]]></regioncode>
<postalcode><![CDATA[Dealership zipcode]]></postalcode>
<name part="full"><![CDATA[Lead Provider Name]]></name>
<service><![CDATA[Lead Form Name / How was lead submitted? EPrice form or something like that]]></service>
www.lead provider URL.com]]></url>
[email protected]]]></email>
<phone type="voice"><![CDATA[Lead Provider support phone]]></phone>
<name part="full"><![CDATA[Lead provider Support]]></name>
[email protected]]]></email>
<phone type="voice" time="day"><![CDATA[Lead provider phone again]]></phone>
<street line="1"><![CDATA[Lead Provider street address]]></street>
<city><![CDATA[Lead Provider city]]></city>
<regioncode><![CDATA[Lead Provider State]]></regioncode>
<postalcode><![CDATA[Lead Provider Zipcode]]></postalcode>
<country><![CDATA[Lead Provider country]]></country>