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The blog template looks like a PDF for some kind of marketing.
The design didn't draw me in to read in close detail.
Content feels like AI generated.

get a decent free website template. People like what is the normal approach.
Don't do the center align ... use standard print formatting.
Provide navigation so I can read more posts.
umm ... how about navigation in general
Also please be blunt I like straight forward you're not gonna hurt my feelings (y).
DealerRefresh has: forums, resources, awards ....
your site is just a page.
The only navigation you have is the link to your website.

ChatGPT can give you examples.
Also on blog formats.
on content ... but won't tell you that Google will punish you for doing that.

on your website, the about us section blue ... is probably a lawsuit waiting to happen. Accessibility ambulance chasers won't come to get you today ... but one day they will.
it's too much of pain to read because of the contrast issues. So, I skipped it.

those bouncing buttons in unison ... maybe a scrolling marquee would be better! not really.

The whole button jiggling, doesn't look professional.

Serious question:
You offer Track Your Data. Not for me but as a potential introduction to a company not in the auto industry. They have tons of data. They are wanting to through AI at it. Do you build out LLMs or something? I'm just trying to get an idea what you are doing.
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DealerRefresh has: forums, resources, awards ....
your site is just a page.
The only navigation you have is the link to your website.

ChatGPT can give you examples.
Also on blog formats.
on content ... but won't tell you that Google will punish you for doing that.

on your website, the about us section blue ... is probably a lawsuit waiting to happen. Accessibility ambulance chasers won't come to get you today ... but one day they will.
it's too much of pain to read because of the contrast issues. So, I skipped it.

those bouncing buttons in unison ... maybe a scrolling marquee would be better! not really.

The whole button jiggling, doesn't look professional.

Serious question:
You offer Track Your Data. Not for me but as a potential introduction to a company not in the auto industry. They have tons of data. They are wanting to through AI at it. Do you build out LLMs or something? I'm just trying to get an idea what you are doing.

Let's go through this. My site has multiple pages as you go through the booking process and this is a website template that the company offers I just build it out there are a total of 5 pages.

I did look into the About Us and had to change some of the wording so thank you for that. However I do have a terms and condition page.

I do agree on the buttons asked a few other people some like it but some did not as well and they are in the industry so I did make a change on that.

No, I do not do Large language Models. To give you an example when you build a new house and you want a new AC unit you don't build one you contact an AC company who gets them from a manufacture and the AC company comes out and install it and they are the professional who knows how to work on it, fix it, install it and maintain it. That's what I do. I'm trained in the system and know how to use it, fixed and maintain it.

I do automation on the back end of the company to make it more streamlined so the company can focus on more important tasks. Then I offer lead generation on current databases that clients already have called database revive. There are other services and AI features that I can deploy if wanted. Like AI chat bots and lead nurturing service etc.

Thank for your feedback
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Reactions: Carsten
This was clearly written by AI - human writers will always win. I'd update the layout and color theme, it doesn't look like a blog post or read like one... Like someone else said, it looks like a marketing PDF.

The main question - what's the purpose of this blog post? What are you trying to accomplish?

Both the post and your site have zero menu navigation, which is going to scare away most humans and not perform well in search results...
This was clearly written by AI - human writers will always win. I'd update the layout and color theme, it doesn't look like a blog post or read like one... Like someone else said, it looks like a marketing PDF.

The main question - what's the purpose of this blog post? What are you trying to accomplish?

Both the post and your site have zero menu navigation, which is going to scare away most humans and not perform well in search results...
HI Greg,

So it's not 100% AI I wrote it had AI grammar check it and help re-word it by AI. So yes AI was involved.

I did update the color theme what would you suggest?

Same with the layout I changed it based on other feedback.

The only purpose is to get some feedback so I can better write blogs and to get people attention. However if it does lead them to my site that's great as well.

As far as the website that's what they give you through my SaaS software the only other real option would be to go to another website builder. However the website is just for people if they want to see some information about me not really the main purpose of my business. I was advised just to do a landing page but I felt that was just to simple.

Thanks for the feed back would love to hear your answers to my questions.
