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CarGurus Convert digital retail tool?


Why is there the need for a 50-70% range? Should be an easy concrete percentage lol

What's more surprising is the 50% (to 30%) that didn't end up buying after going through an intense and high commitment "Start Purchase" 7-step digital retail process where they give their first-born child info and a deposit $$$.

Also, I love paying $250 /mo to have yet another digital retailing tool installed on someone else's website.
Also, I love paying $250 /mo to have yet another digital retailing tool installed on someone else's website.

#TRUTH -- plus the cost of manager training, plus the cost of sales training, plus the double data entry, plus, plus.

AND, do they indemnify the data/quote to the customer - probably not, it's always the dealer fault if there is an error!?!?
I've had my digital track for a few, I've added a few cars and converted a few analog cars to digital, all good for a week after all additions and now the ghost car feature only runs for 1 to 2 laps then stops digital errors, only starts again after turning off and back on again...then 2 laps later does the same thing, all cars, so I'm thinking maybe the power unit.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thank you Daryl