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Concerned with Rey Rey CRM

We now use R&R Contact Management for both showroom control as well as our Internet Department. We know that using CM is far from ideal for internet department use, however, we are locked into our CM contract for another two years. The consulting firm that we employ for our internet department feels strongly that we need an ILM tool. As Internet Director, I also would like an ILM but I am very concerned about usihg two solutiohs that do not communicate. I am hoping to get some advice and/or thoughts from my fellow forum members. Thanks in advance.

Contact Management is very robust but can be frustrating because of everything it can do. It will work for both very well but I recommendyou call your Reynolds rep and ask for a CM trainer to visit you for at least 3 days. Tell them you are thinking about changing but you want a training session for everyone and do not want to pay for it either. It is hard to justify another expense in my opinion, if you can get all of the features working for you. They should be willing to help you straighten it out. ILM is a strong point of that program. I have used it since the first version and it works if you dig in.
I hope this helps
Kim Clouse
I refuse to call it Reynolds CM because it should be named Reynolds CF (Cluster F*)!

A note from you 'ol Uncle Joe.
SOMEONE at your dealership needs to step up and take ownership of the CRM platform. Alex called it the CRM architect as I recall. ReyRey leaves you with a CRM with schedules and templates that are created by... gulp... Reynolds. If someone takes charge of the platform, it can be shaped to fit your stores needs, rather than vice versa.

Next, this person needs to train reps and managers on how to work it. No 3day visit is going to do it. You train. they absorb, they forget, you re-train. This person is needs this task & responsibility in their job description and should be compensated for it.

To whom ever takes this role on, be prepared for weeks/months of frustration as you attempt to understand ReyRey's poorly designed UI (aka Cluster F*).

Good news awaits! IF YOU FIGURE IT ALL OUT, your net worth will explode. The dealership will not ever want to loose you and other stores will want you.
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Carey - are you changing a salesperson's commission on Internet deals or splitting the commission with them? You should ask them directly. There was a time when I thought one of our stores was not changing salesperson commissions based on the source of the customer when they were. The GM didn't tell me because he knew I'd protest it.

Is there anything different a salesperson has to do for an Internet appointment?
Alex I sure wish we were splitting their commission! Pfffft! We get hourly pay and our own commission plan (which isn't anything close to what the sales guys get.)

And the sales guys are paid the exact same way from non-internet sales as they are to internet sales.

They do absolutely nothing different, sometimes they may actually do less.....quite a few times we've had the entire deal worked out for them and they just have to do the paperwork. So as you can imagine, it's frustrating because a) we feel like we're retting rooked and b) they are just a bunch of whiners who seem to never be satisfied.
hahaha... thats a good one Jerry!

Oh? That's not a joke? Sorry, this problem can't be trained away. You have to goto the top to fix it.

THE PAY PLAN CREATES AND REWARDS BEHAVIOR (good and bad). You can't pay the rent with team spirit. Its simple, if the CEO's goal is team spirit, then the mission has to come from the top down and the pay plan needs to reward it, otherwise, it's all just lip service.

I'm gonna have to agree with Joe here just from what I've seen from this dealership (and keep in mind it's the only dealership I've ever worked in in my entire life, so take that for what it's worth.)

Even when we tell the GM these are the things we'd like to happen and here's why...he is completely on board (he's young, he's hip and he's very in-tune to the entire internet thang) then he takes it to our sales meetings and tells all the sales guys and managers and I swear to you it's like he's talking to a wall.

This one meeting he said "STOP ADDING NEW PROSPECTS! It messes up our numbers and reports, etc. etc. Just have your manager or internet staff add you and then you'll be able to do whatever you need to do."

Not even 5 minutes after the meeting I got my reyrey system message showing that 2 guys "ADDED like 3 new prospects within a prospect." It's very frustrating.

I mean they are putting dup contacts in, they are saying "source unknown" when we know where they gave from (it's in the original contact, etc.) they aren't keeping us in the loop for the most part (there are 1 or 2 newer guys that are pretty good.)

It's just crazy. We had a talk with our Used Car Manager the other day and we're having a meeting with him and the New Car Manager on Monday and the UCM said "well they will need to start listening, all it takes is one time where they don't get a commission because they didn't put their stuff in CRM system where we ask them too and I promise you they will never forget again."

He seems to understand where we are going and how it will benefit the dealership.....soooo we'll see where it goes.

All I know is this: I've been in sales pretty much my entire life and if I had an "internet dept" setting me appts that were constantly selling....well I personally would be a whole lot more nicer to them, heck I might even take 'em to lunch now and then...you know what I mean? I'm not saying they have to take us to lunch or anything......I'm just saying why they don't value us the way I would if I was a sales person.
It's just crazy. We had a talk with our Used Car Manager the other day and we're having a meeting with him and the New Car Manager on Monday and the UCM said "well they will need to start listening, all it takes is one time where they don't get a commission because they didn't put their stuff in CRM system where we ask them too and I promise you they will never forget again."

He seems to understand where we are going and how it will benefit the dealership.....soooo we'll see where it goes.

I hear your frustration. I lived it too. It does sound like you at least have 1 manager who is ready to put some pain on the table for those who don't want to get with the process. Let's just hope he can bring the rest of the management team on board.

The daddy/mommy game gets played a lot by salespeople and too many managers oblige. Your "daddy" UCM could say "no commission for you" and then the sale person runs to "mommy" GSM who isn't bought-in on CRM and reverses the UCM's decision. I've seen this one too - this is the biggest CRM killer.....and it kills more than just CRM.
I hear your frustration....The daddy/mommy game gets played a lot by salespeople and too many managers oblige....


You nailed the Parent/Adult/Child posturing we all take


When 2 people talk, they always assume a role. The agent begins the dialogue. In the diagram above, this is how "Alpha Males" prefer all discussions (or at least thats my interpretation of it ;-).

Games People Play (book) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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