The load time was a little slow on that PDF. What's up with the music? Ask Uncle Joe about his thoughts on that. Once I started scrolling I noticed the print was on the small side. Either I need readers or you need to put less on one page and make it readable for people. I know I can use the magnifier on the PDF, but I don't like magnifying and then having to use the horizontal scroll bar to read.
Don't take my remarks the wrong way, I like your product. It's certainly a lot better than a lot of the junk I see on mystery shops. I just think you could make your product even better.
A lot of the better CRM vendors have brochure capabilities within their product, so I imagine that has to be a tough sell for you.
Thank you for your input. That music actually belongs to the video that shows the BMW 1 series coupe. If the sample was hosted on dealership website, you would see the video with no problem. (You can download the latest reader and see the brochure on Internet Explorer, that will by pass the issue about brochure being hosted dealership website.) If that brochures was in an e-mail or hosted on the dealership website (Actual way the product works), you would understand what I mean, doesn't matter what browser you use.
PDF file is programmed to Fit on the user's screen. Our previous tests shows, actual customers who recieved these brochures do Zoom in and read the material. Try taking another look as a customer who is shopping for a vehicle.
CRM brochures are in heavy HTML format and causes e-mails to get stuck in spam folder, doesn't have the feel and look of a real brochure. Pitched it to 5 dealerships so far with 5 minute presantation and explanation, all golden.
I would like you to Mystery shop couple dealerships using the product and see what kind of a job they do in 2 weeks (product delivery time is second week of January, after 4 weeks of setup and 1 week of training for the staff.)
Thank you very much for your input.
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