#RefreshFriday EV uh-oh! Dealers beware EVs - new data | Brian Kramer

Jeff Kershner

Staff member
May 1, 2005
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View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CelIPVlHnXI

Brian Kramer and the team at Accu-Trade are seeing some interesting data trends in EV valuations.

Some MAJOR risks are surfacing that dealers need to be aware of. Don't miss this show on EV valuations, service drive acquisition updates, and how to avoid getting underwater in the near future.

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Should be a great webinar!

Lately, I've seen many dealers advertise used Teslas for thousands more than Tesla.com currently sells a new one for.

Or if they aren't doing that, they are still priced thousands over comparable used ones available on Tesla.com - https://www.tesla.com/inventory/used/ms

Tesla's own website is the first resource that dealers should be referencing when appraising a Tesla trade-in, especially with how frequently Elon lowers prices.