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Has ELeads been hit with a cyber attack?

I wonder how other CRM providers will react now. If CDK Global takes several days to recover and their press release about the attack and measures taken isn't reassuring, they could lose a lot of business. This incident highlights the vulnerability of even the largest providers and may push others to strengthen their security. It'll be interesting to see how this affects the industry.

Much of this will depend on how transparent they are about what happened. This shit can happen to anyone! I hope they're clear about how things went down and don't try to sweep any of it under the rug.

@Fullsend Ok, now that is old code.

Data stored on their servers is a fact of life. Host it yourself! Sure, where? In your basement?
I think the point here is that hoteling/Tenancy (meaning your data is stored in the same database protected by your ID.
Is this bad? Yes, and No. Depends if I can reverse your data and Identify who you and your customers are.
Most subscriptions on the internet work on this principal though.
Safe choice? Have a separate data base for your data. It is not really that difficult to code but it is a little more expensive for the service to offer this.

What about storing on site in our basement.
If you think shrinkage is a problem. What until you try this!
it will be password protected! lol

Plus, we are now entering PCI / PII compliance. I don't think you'll pass.

Fullsend made a good point. Maybe the servers got turned off because data was still being sent back home.
If the code is so old, maybe the IIS servers are the same?

Remember folks! You can't patch a tire if the nail is too far into the sidewall. But your dealership is running on a code base that is potentially 2 decades old and if CDK doesn't have plans to rewrite their old code base (if Fullsend is correct) you will experience what WordPress deals with weekly. You will be a target of 3Leet script kiddies.

Personally, I hope CDK isn't using such an old framework and CDK understands that tech debt is something that is addressed in a timely manner.
Actually, Most dealers could host it themselves. Every dealership has a server rack because the way CDK works is the entire dealerships internet needs to pass through there firewall.
So where would I host it? Probably on a simple rack mount server. 3U are already being used for CDK stuff so a nice 2U server could fit in there. Hell throw in another firewall since you got extra space.

Also what I said about there code base was confirmed by techs at CDK. They explained why It could not be ported to Mac. Complete BS because all CDK is in reality is a terminal with a GUI. Hell In realty is I could probably SSH into CDK.

CDK already forces you to rent there printer and forces you to use there shitty firewall which limits the speeds to 10/100. Not 100/1000. Once we switched to PBS we doubled our internet speed. So The idea that they could easily rent out a server to dealers and run CDK locally then have it do back ups overnight would not be insane.

We as a dealership even host our own cloud then use cloud flair as a proxy. So if we as a dealer can do this for less then 2k. How can CDK not do anything to improve for the 8k we paid a month?
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Much of this will depend on how transparent they are about what happened. This shit can happen to anyone! I hope they're clear about how things went down and don't try to sweep any of it under the rug.

So far they are not doing good. They have not made any real public announcements. Everything has been quiet from their PR team.
Soon Ill be taking bets on when the first lawsuit will happen.
One things I do wanna make clear is a hack can happen to anyone.
But when you handle half of the US dealerships and refuse to reinvest in your product then zero empathy should be felt for the company.
PBS has been rewritten a few times now. The last one was for windows 10. New code base. Built for 64 bit systems. New back end. The way it should be.
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"We are actively investigating a cyber incident," a CDK spokesperson told CBS News. "Out of an abundance of caution and concern for our customers, we have shut down most of our systems and are working diligently to get everything up and running as quickly as possible."

My gosh ... this is crayzie!

Maybe someone is proving a point and/or CDK possibly didn't pay the bitcoin because they figure the fines paid to you dealers is cheaper, OR ?
The ransom was just a guess on my part.

Just found this:

"The same sources, who provided information on condition of anonymity, told BleepingComputer that CDK is currently negotiating with the ransomware gang to receive a decryptor and not leak stolen data."

Will CDK inform the public in regards to what PII data could be compromised?
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