First @Iceman101 - there really isn't a lot of revenue in data integration, in fact there is a great deal of cost involved to support taking data out of thousands of systems across the country and Canada, so let me assure you on our P&L the revenue for this is little more than rounding error. We are not in that for the money. Some dealers somewhere is going to get sued for data that comes from its system and the system provider will be dragged into it. Alex being a dealer as I am you know what I am talking about and if you were sued as a result of data dragged out of your system provided by your DMS you know your attorney would want to enjoin the DMS provider. We have to be proactive to keep that from happening to us or one of our dealers...Iceman101 it is just that simple.
@Alex, I know you're frustration with DMS providers in my stores I went through the same frustration with ADP, that's one of the reasons I am on here.
Alex take it from someone who has been down the DMS development road, its not DMS companies killing a competition here. I still have code for an 80% developed completely web-based DMS on a hard drive here at my house. Two things kill new DMS companies:
1. The OEM AIM's DMS was stopped cold when we started going to OEM's to get DCS communications back in 2004 we were told go get 1000 dealerships then we'll talk, but to get 1000 dealerships we needed DCS communications, you see the dilemma.
2. The very dealers we were trying to help were killing us. I recall one incident we were testing a parts inventory app the function was 2 mouse clicks and a barcode scan. The dealerships parts manager said "that's too hard", "Let me show you how easy i is for me today" he proceeded type about 20 charters then hit the enter key 20 times, he obviously had done this before thousands of times. (The dealer was an investor)
The bottom-line for there to be a new DMS upstart and gain any ground dealers have to understand that it's not going work the same way their R&R or ADP system would, and it's not supposed to.
Those are the 2 major factors why a new DMS has not been able to take a sizeable share in the space not the DMS companies.
Larry Bruce (@pcmguy)