- Apr 7, 2009
- 4,837
- 2,295
- Awards
- 10
- First Name
- Joe
Uncle Joe's Money in the Bank Survey (2011 edition)
1. Have you bought a vehicle from us before?
____ Yes ____ No
If yes how many? ________
Anyone in your family?____Yes ______No
If yes how many? ________
2. How did you hear about us? (check all that apply)
____ Friend or Relative
____ Internet
____ Newspaper
____ TV
____ Radio
____ Driving By
3. While shopping did you look at NEW & USED cars, or
always shopping just for a used car?
____ Shopped for New and Used ____ Just shopped for Used
4. As best as you can recall, how long have you been
looking to replace your old vehicle?
____ Less than one week
____ 1-2 weeks
____ 3-4 weeks
____ 4-8 weeks
____ More than 2 months
5. How many Dealerships did you visit before you
bought from us?
____ Just Sun (no others)
____ 1 + Sun
____ 2 + Sun
____ 3 or more + Sun
6. While you were car shopping, where did you go to get
most of your ideas? (check all that apply)
____ Internet
____ Newspaper
____ TV
____ Radio
____ Friend
____ Driving by
7. Have you seen our TV ads?
____ Yes ____ No
8. Did you find the TV ads helpful?
____ Not helpful
____ Somewhat helpful
____ Average
____ Better Than Average
____ An Excellent Help
9. Suggestions to make them better? (please use reverse side)
10. Do you consider yourself a frequent Internet user?
____ Yes (30 mins or more per day) ____ No
11. Did you shop online at: (check all that apply)
____ AutoTrader.com
____ Cars.com
____ Syracuse.com
12. Did you visit UsedCarKing.com?
____ Yes ____ No
Did you visit UsedCarKing.com more than once?
____ One time
____ Two times
____ less than 5 times
____ I went there a LOT!
13. How did you find UsedCarKing.com? (check all that apply)
____ Heard it on TV
____ Heard it on Radio
____ A friend at work showed it to me
____ Found it while looking on the Internet
____ Other: _________________________________
Your Name: ______________________________________________
Date: _________________________________
Your Email Address: _______________________________________
(we WILL NOT share this with Anyone)
Do you know of anyone that is looking to purchase a vehicle?
I need to update this survey-at-delivery. I need insight into smartphone use.
I've got writer's block. Any ideas?