Rob, we haven't seen your current site. A great website is a tool that allows your store to show off your inventory and tell the world "why your different and why buy from Rob".
This takes a lot of work. How would you judge your efforts so far?
- Photo quality (vs your competition)
- Photo new units?
- Vehicle Options Accuracy (soooo many dealers over look this this cluster f**k)
- Quality Vehicle comments on VDPs?
- Price Display Detailed? (i.e. A-B=C MSRP-Rebate-Dealer Discount = Today's price)
- Specials or Clearance (i.e. managers discounts)
Be sure your vendor has the tools & support to help you make this work faster and better. Also, get a demo on all of these tools. Sometimes they have them, but, they're a PIA to use.
-Uncle Joe
Honest assessment:
Photo quality is on par with the competition. It is not substantially better or worse. I would like a photo booth to take things up a notch, but it's not in the cards.
Both new and used vehicles get photographed. We are at roughly 75% of new units photographed. 100% would be better.
Vehicle Options - New cars: 99.95% accurate. I do them myself, and I am thorough to a fault. *So* important. Used Cars: Probably 80% accurate. We could do better there.
Quality comments on VDP's: Better than many, not as good as some.
Price Display: Due to state law, the only approve manner to display pricing is like so:
Sale Price (pre-rebate)
We aren't allowed to display a Sale Price / Today's Price / Etc that includes *any* rebate. It's awesome and super not confusing for customers.
Specials - we only do OK.
So yeah, there are things on our current site that could improve for sure. But year over year as I watch traffic go up, I watch VDP's go down, leads go down, calls go down, sales go down.
If fewer and fewer customers even make it to the VDP's where most of the "difference makers" live, then I'm not sure how powerful those items are. Sure, I guess I could clutter up our SRP's with all sorts of information, but that's not great for customers either.