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So you are saying that the main page would essentially just be an SRP? Am I understanding that correctly? I am definitely seeing the value of more category-type searches that would be helpful to customers. Kind of goes along with what I've been saying about how the customer doesn't necessarily know things like trim level. Put it in a category that they understand. It feels like you could come up with a million, though, which would defeat the purpose.

Yes. Homepage is essentially an SRP, but with categories, promotion banners, and other graphics to help sell the dealership. A lot of the homepages today still follow the old school SEO filler text pattern. So eliminating that, taking them right into the "store".
Yes. But rather than just listing cars it will list a mix of graphics, inventory categories, promotions, etc. Completely different than any dealer SRP today. I want it to present itself more like a store.
I like it. I've always said that a home page was virtually pointless. I mean, Amazon doesn't have a home page and they do pretty well. They, of course, have the advantage of being able to tailor to preference, but still. Definitely don't need a lot of what we put on there.
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I mean you can leverage the available inputs to make the results dynamic based on everything you know about the user. Campaigns, previously viewed, vehicles that have higher engagement rates, etc

Since a large portion will come from campaigns you'll already have dedicated paths for those. This is a cool idea. By removing the home page you eliminate a potential fall off point in the sequence. The "home page" was the off page asset that got the user to the inventory anyways.

All things being equal this setup should convert better albeit at the expense of non vehicle seeking users. Which can be addressed without too much pain.
I guess you need to prove it but the hypothetical conversion math is better.

A long time ago, like 2012 I ran an experimental website with dedicated campaigns that did a very similar approach. Home page was the inventory, and the conversion was better, like double.

I think it was skewed though as the messaging was negotiate online when that didn't really exist in the marketplace so the allure was an influential reason for the conversion bump. Also went to a lot of prior customers...so take with a grian of salt.
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Yea I think it's a more direct path so I'd assume it would convert better and boost engagement metrics. Plus the promotion hero graphics that are on the homepage, those will become more relevant on the store pages as well. So those are some of the things I've been thinking about when I say better merchandising.