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What Defines A Successful Automotive Social Media Strategy

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube (#2 search engine behind Google), WordPress, press releases (boosts SEO ranks immensely)

I would much rather of seen you mention something along the lines of "Engagement" or even "community" instead of platforms, because regardless of which social network you use the whole idea behind it is to build relationships, which is a true cornerstone of social media.
I would much rather of seen you mention something along the lines of "Engagement" or even "community" instead of platforms, because regardless of which social network you use the whole idea behind it is to build relationships, which is a true cornerstone of social media.

It's a better tool for public relations, than actually building a tool for relationships. For dealers, I see where it helps maintaining relations, and keeping your brand top-of-mind with the customer within the buying cycle. A strategy needs to focus at first on the existing customers. If you can get existing customers to follow and engage, new prospects and customers will follow.
It's a better tool for public relations, than actually building a tool for relationships. For dealers, I see where it helps maintaining relations, and keeping your brand top-of-mind with the customer within the buying cycle. A strategy needs to focus at first on the existing customers. If you can get existing customers to follow and engage, new prospects and customers will follow.

Public Relations IS relationship with the public. I totally agree that you must first focus on existing customers, that's where community begins, with the people who have already done business with you.

Very well said.
You are asked to access a car dealer's Social Media efforts and provide feedback on how they compare with their peers and where they can improve.

I'm asked that question often and I would love to hear from members of DealerRefresh on how they would grade a car dealer's social media efforts. Also, do you have a dealership in mind that you would consider a leading example of social media engagement?

There are so many articles on social media being offered online but how to we define success?

I like you are a student of the game. I study like a mad man and I have been thinking about this question for some time. I believe a successful social media campaign is one that has many interactions with comments and likes from actual customers and potential customers. Continually growing your fans/likes. Having people check in that are NOT employees etc...

Thats just my opinion. See you at the boot camp! I am very excited to attend!
I would much rather of seen you mention something along the lines of "Engagement" or even "community" instead of platforms, because regardless of which social network you use the whole idea behind it is to build relationships, which is a true cornerstone of social media.
The question was what are the main cornerstones of social media. And you are right- SM is about engagement and building communities. It's about building social equity and word of mouth infrastructure. As a seller of a social media package, my biggest role is educating marketers that this isn't the old days; we are seeing a fundamental shift in marketing. Social media is a dialogue, not a monologue, and it is forcing businesses to be accountable with the end consumer. I keep getting this question: what about ROI? Social isn't all about ROI, although when executed properly, there is an opportunity for qualified leads, but it's about building trust, brand loyalty and staying connected to your current customers as well building new relationships.
The question was what are the main cornerstones of social media. And you are right- SM is about engagement and building communities. It's about building social equity and word of mouth infrastructure. As a seller of a social media package, my biggest role is educating marketers that this isn't the old days; we are seeing a fundamental shift in marketing. Social media is a dialogue, not a monologue, and it is forcing businesses to be accountable with the end consumer. I keep getting this question: what about ROI? Social isn't all about ROI, although when executed properly, there is an opportunity for qualified leads, but it's about building trust, brand loyalty and staying connected to your current customers as well building new relationships.

Companies that have a long term vision or goal for staying in business they tend to direct their attention to children. Children certainly don't have money "YET". Social media is much like that. To be in the game long term you need to put some focus on the community and your future clients.
The question was what are the main cornerstones of social media. And you are right- SM is about engagement and building communities. It's about building social equity and word of mouth infrastructure. As a seller of a social media package, my biggest role is educating marketers that this isn't the old days; we are seeing a fundamental shift in marketing. Social media is a dialogue, not a monologue, and it is forcing businesses to be accountable with the end consumer. I keep getting this question: what about ROI? Social isn't all about ROI, although when executed properly, there is an opportunity for qualified leads, but it's about building trust, brand loyalty and staying connected to your current customers as well building new relationships.

OK, so here's the big argument that I hear about social media and car dealers. Why should they put equity in a activity that doesn't produce a steady and consistent ROI when they can put there resources elsewhere and make more on their investment?