I will restate the fact that I find the whole "clerk" thing disparaging and completely unfounded. And yes, I've spent years drinking the "vAuto Kool Aid", so take this for what it's worth.My buyer has to, and needs to trust me. Your definition of trust/faith states that it is not based upon proof, yet your method of building credibility is Market-Based Proof. They are one in the same, and necessary. FOR THE MOST PART, customers will not buy from me unless they trust me. Sure, if I have a giveaway type of order taker price on a vehicle the customer may not care. That is the rare exception, not the rule.
Personally, I believe that the level of talent required to sell for your asking price is directly related to the pricing structure that the individual store uses. If you are in a vAuto type of store that aggressively chases the turns, and the vehicle is a 50 day unit that is priced to just get rid of it......it is a clerk's job. If you are pricing your cars at 5% over Retail, you aren't going to get your asking price (generally speaking) and you better be good at negotiation. It all ties back to the gross profit that the individual store is trying to attain.
Anyway, lots of good information in this thread.
Oh, one more thing...I don't know how we can be more transparent. I can however share a link to a dealer's website that in my opinion is about as transparent as it gets. Look at their Shares Program and the vAuto powered Real Deal thing.

More gross, more volume, LESS negotiation. Clerks can't do that, Sales Professionals can.