
  1. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday Starting a Business in Automotive - with Dealer Policy & Driven Data

    This is Episode #2 in "starting a automotive vendor business" with Travis with Dealer Policy & Jon with Driven Data To kick this series off we focused on’s beginnings and some of the lessons learned by two of the founders over nearly 2 decades. Now we are focusing on two newer...
  2. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday ALL-NEW Digital Selling Guides w/ Ron Andrews & Darren Haygood

    DealerRefresh is getting EARLY access to the ALL-NEW Digital Selling Guides from has some INSIGHTS to share since COVID quarantines began and unique approaches the Dealer Inspire team has seen that enable contactless selling. They will be released during the show, so be...
  3. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday Matt Haiken - Reduce the staff from 20+ people to 5, and become the #1 United States Volvo store

    Reduce the staff from 20+ people to 5, and become the #1 United States Volvo store in the middle of a pandemic in a state where you cannot do deliveries at the dealership. Is pandemic selling tough? Try doing it in a state where deliveries must be at the customer's home. With those homes next...
  4. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday HAPPY 15th Birthday DealerRefresh! Drew Ament joins us to Celebrate.

    Cinco de Mayo and Drew Ament!?! It must be our birthday this week…. oh #@%&, it is! #DealerReresh turned 15 years old this week <cue the mariachi music> and celebrate with us this TODAY / Friday as Drew and the Refresh team reminiscence on the last 15 years. Was Drew in a diaper when Jeff...
  5. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday Steve & Ross of Podium - Texting & Taking Payments Online

    Does Texting & Taking Payments Online sound like something relevant now? You’re welcome to respond “duh.” As you’re responding duh, be sure to tune-in to RefreshFriday because Podium’s Steve Shannon and Ross Tinkham know a thing or two about this. Steve also brings his OEM knowledge from his...
  6. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday Conspiracy Theories, Eating bats, GMB, orange men & Digital Retailing | w/ Eric Miltsch

    @Eric Miltsch joins us to shoot the sh!t about what’s happening in the world today. NOTHING IS OFF THE TABLE <---- you’ve been warned. Conspiracy theories, eating bats, orange men, digital retailing, sweat pants, murdering family, etc... Maybe not in that order. And for those of you who need a...
  7. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday Judy & Cavan of DealerSocket: Modern Retailing During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Are you shooting Digital Retailing magic bullets now? COVID-19 got you to sign up for one of those tools didn’t it? How’s that working for you? DealerSocket joins us to talk about the other side of digital retailing: the operational components that actually make it work. You know, the other 90%...
  8. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday w/ George Nenni to discuss GMB and COVID19

    March 20th’s RefreshFriday has been on the calendar for a while to talk about Google My Business #GMB with @georgenenni Instead of solely focusing on GMB, we will also talk about how dealers can stay engaged with customers who are riding out this COVID-19 outbreak from home. George has some...
  9. Alex Snyder

    #RefreshFriday Amy Hughes from Experian Automotive - Going deep into your database

    Amy Hughes joins us again to bring the power of the Experian magnifying glass further into the targeting realm we covet so much. Every time we speak to Experian we are in deeper awe of the breadth of what they can do. Are we jealous of how deep they can go? You bet your butt! The things they...
  10. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday Eric Miltsch joins us to review his 2020 Predictions

    It is 2020 right? Yeah! That means Eric Miltsch is going to give us his annual predictions for the year. If you are not familiar with this “Eric on DealerRefresh Predictions for the year tradition,” here is a good place to get acclimated...
  11. Jeff Kershner

    Who's gonna purchase a .dealer domain? Post your Questions and Opinions!!

    We just had a great discussion on URL / Domain extensions on todays RefreshFriday. I was worried this was going to be quite a boring broadcast but instead it was the OPPOSITE! Check out the recording here -...
  12. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday 15% > 10% > 5% National Closing Averages are DROPPING! Let's find out why.

    RefreshFriday - 15% > 10% > 5% National Closing Averages are DROPPING! Let's find out why. Do you get the feeling your closing ratio is dipping on Internet leads? If not, have you been tracking it for the last 20 years? We have! In the early 2000s national closing averages were above 15%...
  13. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday Simmons Nissan and a Digital Retailing Success Story

    Tomorrow on RefreshFriday we have Carson Dorsett and Darren Haygood Carson is the Sales Manager at Simmons Nissan in Mount Airy, NC and is knocking “Digital Retailing” OUT OF THE PARK with Online Shopper. Selling on average 1 vehicle a way and absolutely adding to their volume of sales and...
  14. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday Ep. 39 - Classified Listings and Cost Per VDP – is this STILL a Relevant KPI?

    On tomorrow’s #RefreshFriday – @Dan Sayer and @jon.berna Jon Berna (Mr. Truth) join us to discuss the VALUE of 3rd Party Classified Websites. Of course Dans post here in the forums was the driver for this week's RefreshFriday. Thanks Dan! Which KPI’s should you be tracking? Is the cost per VDP...
  15. Alex Snyder

    #RefreshFriday RefreshFriday is on Youtube

    Missed past episodes? Want to listen again? Trying to pull out that nugget of wisdom one more time? Find it here: DealerRefresh's YouTube channel.
  16. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday RefreshFriday - Ep. 2 - Joe Chura Dealer CEO & Founder of Inspire Inspire

    RefreshFriday 2/16/18 - An Interview with Joe Chura of Dealer Inspire In this episode - just days after the announcement of acquiring Dealer Inspire, we sit down for an exclusive interview with CEO and co-founder of Dealer Inspire, @joechura. We get to know a bit more Joe... how and...
  17. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday RefreshFriday - Ep. 1 - Mike Phillips of McCloskey Motors and Bob George of DDC

    #RefreshFriday - 2/9/18 - Jeff and Alex with guests Mike Phillips of McCloskey Motors and Bob George of In this episode Alex Snyder and Jeff Kershner welcome Mike Phillips of McCloskey Motors and Bob George of to discuss the latest topics in the DealerRefresh Dealer...