
  1. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday Diving Deeper into Texting & Phone Systems | JD Higginbotham of Vonage

    View: If you don't know @JDHigginbotham , you haven't been in the DealerRefresh forums lately. J.D. has become a staple in explaining texting regulations, phone systems, and some deep technical stuff regarding communicating with customers. Although...
  2. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday Business Intelligence for Car Dealers | Alex Caradonna of Targit

    View: What insights can be gained when dealers consolidate all their data sources? @AlexCaradonna is bringing Targit to the United States after great success in Europe and is looking for help from interested dealers. Unlike CDPs that focus on...
  3. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday Business Intelligence for Car Dealers | Alex Caradonna of Targit

    View: What insights can be gained when dealers consolidate all their data sources? @AlexCaradonna is bringing Targit to the United States after great success in Europe and is looking for help from interested dealers. Unlike CDPs that focus on...
  4. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday Vendor Tracking & Reviews Making a Comeback | Jon Berna w/ LVL UP Auto

    View: After selling Driven Data, @jon.berna is back with another valuable data business for car dealers. LVL UP Auto helps dealers track and find vendors. This RefreshFriday will be a bit different than most. We will be talking about Jon's vision...
  5. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday How is the Cavender Auto Group Innovating? | Colby Joyner

    View: @Colby Joyner of the Cavender Auto Group is an impressive dude! Ben Hadley said the operations software Colby was using at his stores was the most impressive thing he saw at NADA this year. This week, on RefreshFriday, we will examine...
  6. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday Lessons from the Real World | Steve Stauning

    View: Author, dealership coach, and long-time-DealerRefresh personality @Steve Stauning returns to discuss things a little outside the norm. Steve wrote a post about the TikTok generation that we want to spend some time on. It is a life lesson for...
  7. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday Using AI to Reveal Fascinating Trends in your Dealer Reviews | Matt & Jake of WideWail

    View: Using AI to reveal fascinating trends in your reviews Widewail returns. So soon, you ask? @Matt Murray and @jakehughes are back to follow up on that promise and to share some more industry-level insights. In their last appearance, they...
  8. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday Headless Dealer Websites are SOOOO Yesterday | Ben Hadley of Auto Genius

    View: The last time we hosted Auto Genius, they dropped headless websites on us. You probably saw the lightning-fast website they built for Koons. They're back with something new... and also blazing fast! Ben says this is one of the few times the...
  9. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday Learn Something New: How OEMs are Moving Cars this Year | Bart Schuster w/ AutoSled.

    View: OEM logistics and how those affect... well... everything. We don't spend a ton of time thinking through the shipping of cars from the factory to our dealerships but Bart does! Bart Schuster has an extensive OEM background and overseas...
  10. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday FTC Rules - More Ammo To Get Ready | Tom Kline of Better Vantage Point

    View: Scary but necessary. That's how we always feel hosting @tomkline / Tom Kline of Better Vantage Point. Of course, we are going to be focusing on July's FTC rules. We had some reprieve, but these rules are coming down the pipe again.There are...
  11. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday Preventing Dealer Ad Fraud | Gary May

    View: Gary @imacsweb always brings the fire and the fraud. No, he's not fraudulent. He exposes fraud. Gary is incredible at sniffing out the vendors who frivolously spend their dealers' money. If you are concerned about your own wallet or seeing...
  12. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday Build-your-own ~ Dealer Websites, Services and Tech | Todd Thompson w/ Steele Automotive

    View: If you don't know @Todd Thompson , you haven't been on the DealerRefresh forums in a while. Todd brings major insights on a regular basis! He is a build-your-own guy and has been leading many technology projects within the Steele Automotive...
  13. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday QR Codes for Car Dealers - Everything on the table! | David Troup aka "The QR Code Guy"

    View: QR Codes. About time! How long has DealerRefresh been talking about how to use them in dealerships? Oh right - since April 4th, 2011 - almost 13 years! We invited David Troup, better known as " @The QR Code Guy ," to help us honor this...
  14. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday What Car Buyers CARE About?! | Matt Murray & Jakes Hughes

    View: How important is a good price, how your staff communicates, the weather that day, and having the exact car somebody wants in stock? Widewail has analyzed over 800,000 reviews to tell us what are the most important factors for dealership...
  15. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday End of 2023 Cliff Banks send off! What is coming in 2024?

    View: We close the year with Cliff Banks’ recap of 2023 and foresight on 2024. What were the big acquisitions and who might be buying/selling next year? What makes this marketplace unique for dealers, OEMs, buyers, sellers, investors, etc? Are...
  16. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday Getting Spicy in the Industry | Matthew Haiken

    View: When Matthew Haiken is on RefreshFriday things get spicy! Matthew's opinions on the industry are rational and hard-hitting. That's why we like hosting him - he is all about exposing the unsaid truths of the car business. And man-o-man, are...
  17. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday The Artist Formerly Known as | CARS COMMERCE

    View: Cars Commerce takes the stage! We have the VP of Sales, Matt Bute, on RefreshFriday to better understand what it means for the industry, customers, and dealers. Matt also promises to reveal some reporting based on Jeff Kershner’s store to...
  18. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday DealerTalk is on DealerRefresh | Herb Anderson is in the house!

    View: Podcasting, stuff in the car biz, and what's working for dealers. That's what you can expect from a conversation with Herb and DealerRefresh. Herb Anderson is the CEO of Dealer Talk with an amazing dashboard to help his clients watch what...
  19. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday A Look Behind the SMS Curtain | J.D. Higginbotham of Vonage

    View: We are going to a look behind the SMS curtain with J.D. Higginbotham. It all started when eLead dealers began receiving 10DLC issues regarding texting. J.D. chimed in to help those dealers understand what was going on. And then we realized...
  20. Jeff Kershner

    #RefreshFriday TradePending Acquisitions and How they all make Sense | Brice Englert

    View: Daddy Warbucks over here! Buying companies and giving away chainsaws. What's going on with @Brice Englert these days? TradePending acquired AutoAPR, Snapcell, and Fixed Ops Digital most recently. Then he went on to hire an old-timer...