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Best Reach - Out Methods For Automotive Businesses


Skate Alert
Apr 17, 2024
First Name

Recently I was on here discussing a potential car sales website...as I discussed with some individuals on here, I came to realize that it may not be the best option for me at the time.

I've spent the last month or so building an agency for automotive businesses...we do the following:
  • Marketing
  • Social Media
  • CRM
  • Consulting
  • Website and SAAS Dev
  • SEO
  • Legal

I wanted some opinions on what would work better for cold approaches...cold calling vs. cold emailing. I did some research and people have a very wide spectrum of why they may prefer one over the other...so I wanted to narrow down into the industry and see if I could get any feedback here.

If you could share some thoughts as what would be most effective, as well as some tips/tricks, I'd appreciate it.

Have a great day!
Just wondering, did you build your own CRM or are you reselling one? IF so, which one?
Are you a developer? Any examples of sites that you are building?

Do you have a plan on how to deal with cold emails?

Sorry for the off topic, but am curious.

I'm also interested in hearing what the pros will say about how they would like to be approached?
We're more agency based. So I'd take a task from you, say you wanted to follow up with consumers after an oil change a week later via Phone Call (for example); then, I'd outsource the task to a provider (which I have already built connections with) who would make the phone calls, talk to consumers, and record any feedback.

^This is just an example, not the greatest one, but is a simple one you can apply to other jobs.

"Do you have a plan on how to deal with cold emails?"
I'm not sure by what you mean with this...if you're asking how I'm going to execute them, I have a rough idea but wanted to fine tune it here.
Ah, nice idea. Having a VA for $6 doing the work. Makes sense. I'd suggest the Philippines over some of the other countries for a VA.
I'd hate to say it but a robocall would be good for this. bot makes the call, listens for key word to connect to a hooman, then put your Filipina/o VA on the line.

For cold emails, I was asking more about the servers and sending of them rather than the content.
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Ah, nice idea. Having a VA for $6 doing the work. Makes sense. I'd suggest the Philippines over some of the other countries for a VA.
I'd hate to say it but a robocall would be good for this. bot makes the call, listens for key word to connect to a hooman, then put your Filipina/o VA on the line.

For cold emails, I was asking more about the servers and sending of them rather than the content.

I wanted to make the calls personally, as well as the emails.

The robocalls and mass emails are all going straight to spam, so if I write each email individually and personalize it I should have an upper hand.

Here's an example of one I wrote up:

Subject: Potential Client Name (PCN) in all lowercase

Good Morning PCN,

I noticed your website doesn't have some features that most modern shops have and is lacking some essentials.

Not sure if this is something you haven't gotten to yet, but I've got some examples of websites that would fit your needs.

We can schedule a meeting and I'll show them to you.

Have a great day,
My Name

It's short, simple, and sweet. What do you think?
I was talking to my trainer and he mentioned that AI content smells like AI so you are on the right track.

Good start!

Not sure if you have considered these yet or not, but:
you will need to tailor for the size of the company
Getting phone numbers is easier than getting emails
If you are going to mention my website is missing something, I would like to know at least one so that I can believe you.
Why would I throw away a full website if I was just missing a chat box? In some cases a rewrite makes sense but many times it doesn't because you may end up destroying their SEO.

This is a personal thing so you can ignore.
"Not sure if this is something you haven't gotten to yet, but" this may sound polite but it really isn't. I'd erase this and leave the rest.

Ok, so for giggles I did a chatGPT rating on this: Actually, it still needs work but it came out closer to the phrasing I would use. This is too wordy.
Subject: Enhancing Your Website for Modern Success

Good Morning PCN Team,

I recently visited your website and noticed that it might be missing some features commonly found on modern sites, such as [specific feature], [another feature], and [essential component]. These elements are crucial for enhancing user experience and driving engagement.

If this is something you’re planning to address, I would love to help. I have some examples of websites that successfully incorporate these features and could serve as a great inspiration for your updates.

Could we schedule a meeting to discuss this further? I can walk you through these examples and explore how we can enhance your website to better meet your needs.

Looking forward to the opportunity to collaborate.

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]

lol, it mentioned, so me the beef! love it.

notice that it added Team to the greeting. I didn't catch that at first.

here is how chatgpt rated you:
Overall, the original email was a good start, but it lacked specificity and a professional tone. The revised version is more targeted, engaging, and likely to elicit a positive response.

chatgpt ... what a wanker!

And to confirm chatGPT is a wanker.

I asked it to rate the email it provided me and it gave itse;f and 8.2/10. lol lol lol
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I was talking to my trainer and he mentioned that AI content smells like AI so you are on the right track.

Good start!

Not sure if you have considered these yet or not, but:
you will need to tailor for the size of the company
Getting phone numbers is easier than getting emails
If you are going to mention my website is missing something, I would like to know at least one so that I can believe you.
Why would I throw away a full website if I was just missing a chat box? In some cases a rewrite makes sense but many times it doesn't because you may end up destroying their SEO.

This is a personal thing so you can ignore.
"Not sure if this is something you haven't gotten to yet, but" this may sound polite but it really isn't. I'd erase this and leave the rest.

Ok, so for giggles I did a chatGPT rating on this: Actually, it still needs work but it came out closer to the phrasing I would use. This is too wordy.
Subject: Enhancing Your Website for Modern Success

Good Morning PCN Team,

I recently visited your website and noticed that it might be missing some features commonly found on modern sites, such as [specific feature], [another feature], and [essential component]. These elements are crucial for enhancing user experience and driving engagement.

If this is something you’re planning to address, I would love to help. I have some examples of websites that successfully incorporate these features and could serve as a great inspiration for your updates.

Could we schedule a meeting to discuss this further? I can walk you through these examples and explore how we can enhance your website to better meet your needs.

Looking forward to the opportunity to collaborate.

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]

lol, it mentioned, so me the beef! love it.

notice that it added Team to the greeting. I didn't catch that at first.

here is how chatgpt rated you:
Overall, the original email was a good start, but it lacked specificity and a professional tone. The revised version is more targeted, engaging, and likely to elicit a positive response.

chatgpt ... what a wanker!

And to confirm chatGPT is a wanker.

I asked it to rate the email it provided me and it gave itse;f and 8.2/10. lol lol lol
Yup, using GPT is easily detectable...the words just seem "blocky" and unnatural.

Here's one for a social media package, addressing some of the things you mentioned. Let me know:


Good Morning PCN,

I noticed you've been posting some short-form content on Instagram, but I don't think your videos are a fit for the brand you are the one you've portrayed....on top of that, you're not getting as many interactions on them as you could be with your following.

Not sure if this is something you haven't gotten to yet, but I've got some examples of videos that look much more appealing than the ones you've got now, as well as a higher chance of gaining more attention on platforms.

We can schedule a meeting and I'll show them to you.

Have a great day,
My Name
You need to consider your customer.

Are you helping them or bagging on them?

This is how I would read this if it was sent to me:

Hey PCN,
maybe you just forgot to do stuff.
call me so I can show you stuff that doesn't suck.

This is why i pulled up chatgpt. I was too lazy to rewrite everything and what came out was much more mellow in tone.
The goal is to offer help and then convert that into a paying lead.
If you offend the potential within the first sentence you are doing great but in the wrong way.

sentence structure:
statement BUT statement
The way you used but above went from positive BUT negative. IF you use but go from negative to positive which you did the second time.
you have 3 sentences. and used but 2 times.

"Not sure if this is something you haven't gotten to yet," this is not polite. It may sound polite but it's something my Californian half brother would say and it's nice in casual conversation but not in a cold email.
You need to consider your customer.

Are you helping them or bagging on them?

This is how I would read this if it was sent to me:

Hey PCN,
maybe you just forgot to do stuff.
call me so I can show you stuff that doesn't suck.

This is why i pulled up chatgpt. I was too lazy to rewrite everything and what came out was much more mellow in tone.
The goal is to offer help and then convert that into a paying lead.
If you offend the potential within the first sentence you are doing great but in the wrong way.

sentence structure:
statement BUT statement
The way you used but above went from positive BUT negative. IF you use but go from negative to positive which you did the second time.
you have 3 sentences. and used but 2 times.

"Not sure if this is something you haven't gotten to yet," this is not polite. It may sound polite but it's something my Californian half brother would say and it's nice in casual conversation but not in a cold email.
So, from what I'm understanding, this is your advice:

[negative statement], BUT [positive statement]
(Start negative, follow up with positive).

What's a better thing to say in place of Not sure if this is something you haven't gotten to yet?

Thanks for your help mate!
Like I said, the ChatGPT I copied/pasted is actually pretty good. It needs to be adjusted but you can get some mileage off it.

As for your sentence, this one was pretty good: If this is something you’re planning to address, I would love to help.

BUT: that is how it's used. For emails I would stay away from negs about your potential customer. Try to stay away from them. My mum hated when she asked for opinion because it was brutal. "Mum you look fat in that dress." I swear if she had a sharp object near here it would have been inside me. I slowly learned that you should give a compliment on something that you believe to be true and best to avoid the brutal truths that you know are true. I see lots of chubby girls in Disney Princess dresses and realized they just want to be cute and pretty and pointing out the obvious is at times just mean. Let them have their dreams! It doesn't hurt you.