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Best Reach - Out Methods For Automotive Businesses

Hold on now. Don't give up.

The world is full of success stories in which someone entered a space that was competitive and overflowing. That does not mean that you should give up. Don't take it personal and for the love of God don't ever pay attention to the delivery in Dealer Refresh. Focus on the message. A question that is posed in a manner that lacks tact is nothing more than a question. These questions are preparing you for battle my friend. And make no mistake, it is a battle. Every one of those questions give you ammunition. "What about _______________?". "That is not an issue for me, _______________ is how I handle that". The quicker you answer the more credibility you have.

Go find a dealership that is close to where you live. Find someone that has a lot of inventory, but doesn't look like they probably sell a lot of cars. If they aren't on the 3rd Party sites, that is even better. You can easily search them to see if they are. Look for websites that are hosted by the littlest of the little providers. Auto Corner, Carsforsale, Motordesk, AutoJini, etc. Go see them, and tell them what you are doing. Tell them that you want to do a Case Study and picked their dealership. Tell them what you offer and that you will do it for nothing. All they have to do is pay the Facebook or Google bill. Keep great records of what you did for them. Make sure their Google Analytics is up to date. Go to work. In 30 days, you have some data. In 60 days, you have dependable data. In 90 days, you have a pretty damn good Case Study.

It is easy to find people to tell you why something won't work. It is hard to find people to tell you why something WILL work or what you have to do to make it work. Do you know what every single success story has in common? The person at the top believed they could...so they did. This was your first test. You get to decide if you passed or failed.

Go back through this entire thread and RE-READ every one of @Ryan Everson posts. He is giving you a lot of good advice. It isn't wrapped in pretty tissue paper, but don't pay attention to that. Focus on the message, not the delivery.
Thank you for the feedback!

I will take your advice and stick to this, and try that out. Hopefully it goes somewhere.
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