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Re-Marketing. Trend or Long-timer?

HA! I think the point ends up being that if I was looking for those hand cuffs, on the fence about how great they'd be, and just a push away from pulling the trigger, Ima be buying some pink bliss for the bedroom!

I think the fact that it's scary for because it's invasive has the same merit as "Oh no no I don't ever stop rollers, I let them look around till their comfortable then go over and introduce myself". I made a living manning up and risking being run over and all my customers loved me by the end. It's scary because you're kinda stalking someone, you don't know how they're going to react but and the end: it's for their own good.
As far as creeping out consumers? My banners are showing up on sites like CNBC.com and Mashable.com so it actually gives CREDITABILITY to the event or dealership if their ads are showing up on popular sites.

Brian, another bad taste I have with Cobalts re-marketing was site placement! I had a customer send me a screen shot of on of our re-marketing ads by Cobalt show up on www.boo.by!! His commment was, "glad to see your advertising to the perverts". That sent me over the edge with Cobalt. I did see the re-marketing ads show up on popular sites, but it seems to me Cobalt took the cheepest approach possible buying any bottom of the barrell ad space.
The issue with remarketing in the Google Network is that you never know where your ads will appear. My ads have been on services similar to TwitPic, sporting sites, news sites, etc. So it may be hard to block certain edgy sites without first creating a "blocked" list of websites in Adwords placement setup. You can selectively pick sites to target as well but in effect that would limit the impact of retargeting.
Brian, another bad taste I have with Cobalts re-marketing was site placement! I had a customer send me a screen shot of on of our re-marketing ads by Cobalt show up on www.boo.by!! His commment was, "glad to see your advertising to the perverts". That sent me over the edge with Cobalt. I did see the re-marketing ads show up on popular sites, but it seems to me Cobalt took the cheepest approach possible buying any bottom of the barrell ad space.

So what this guy was saying is...he's a perv?

I used to worry about this when I first got into display advertising but you can't be everything to everyone. Hey, he saw your ad and paid attention to it. Win.

There are so many layers within the ad networks it's near impossible to police where your ads will show. Don't allow the 2% to influence your decisions.
So what this guy was saying is...he's a perv?

I was wondering the same thing as Jeff. My response to the customer might have been well you're calling me, aren't you? We know our customers Mr. Smith. Now how about that car you were looking for?

Yep, a 60 year old pervert and I told him I didnt want to know why he was on that site at 2am!

Brian, all great points, yet with Cobalts re-marketing program we had no control.
Why am I always late to the party. Ok so I see you have questions and concerns and I would like to share.
1. The companies mentioned are not very robust in reaching audience they are limited by audience reach due to they are a reseller.
2. It is not creepy when a dealer is doing it since consumers don't catch up due to the fact they expect dealers to advertise a lot and Brian is right about the impression it leaves when a car shopper sees an ad on ESPN, NY Times etc
3. My re-targeting code is unlike any others (google potratz webratz) to see how it all started for me in 2007 and since mine is so special that is the reason you see Brian's yellow ads on 94% of websites allowing ads. I scaled my ads down and put PCG in full rotation so you guys will get the hint to come see us in a city near you.
4. A retargeting or sem campaign without specific conversion/landing pages and graphic banner ads, video pre roll will not perform to capacity. We avg 48% return visits for dealers for vehicle sales and 53% for service.
5. Yes we can build campaigns specific to vehicle make, model, trim, options.
6. Yes we can build campaigns for specific service fixed ops and time messages out for delay or create a sequence based on time.
7. No you do not have to visit my site to get the code...It can be inserted via emails.
8. Yes I can also do video pre and post roll in my remarketing based on your behavior
9. Yes I also do mobile device remarketing
10. I can hold on to you as long as I like and dump you whenever I choose.
11. If you do ppc should you do remarketing? YES we have cut ppc budgets and increased leads by 25-200% for dealers.
12. 3k you were robbed unless they do re targeting like we do which I know absolutely no company does.
A typically campaign of ours for one brand like VW has approx 350 graphic ad variations, 45 video pre and post rolls, 25 audio ads, 100 conversion pages. This is not a sales pitch I am just sharing what is possible and we have just developed new tools going live in 2-3 weeks that will improve upon our success.
One of our newest dealers we took the lead count from 400 leads to 1100 leads in 4 months and cut expense by 8k a month.

So I know it works and have heard many times how dealers tried retargeting in the past and it did not work but they hired a vendor which has employees running through the paces and no true experiance or passion. I love the digital world and push the limits on everything.

So get ready I am powering up my flux capacitor since I think it is important I stay in front of you and I have some new thinner me photos I want to share...:)
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