I 100% disagree with your statement Jeff and I agree with Joe and Yago. (Okay... give me a minute. I'm letting my previous sentence settle in... never thought i'd say that!

) (and Alex I'm coming from the perspective of someone who has also set up BDC/Internet Departments for small and medium sized groups).
Joe and Yago have a point. "To err is human." Managed chat vs in house doesn't matter... you still have individuals responding who are capable of making a mistake or reading too quickly that you said Nissan 4 runner instead of Toyota. Now, THAT was a particularly terrible scenario and that individual needs serious training or a new career path, but to assess whether after hour chats are bad idea based on a couple of bad examples is unfair.
I implemented a non-industry inexpensive managed chat software (I had to pay out of my pocket to test it) and armed my teams with scripts, shortcuts, techniques that I learned from handling them myself first. They took chats at all hours. There was a team of 4 individuals responsible for making sure those chats were answered and someone was always on call over holidays. I don't care what any "study" says, in 3 different dealer groups in 3 different states and cities over 5 years, I gathered that my most
qualified leads were coming from chat.
Even more exciting? When I extended after hours, it was our
highest volume of lead activity. This allowed me to remove paid leads and I will forever stick to the notion that chat leads are a
wonderful thing IF handled well. I am a girl who loves her numbers, so I don't make these assumptions easily. I tracked and followed and gathered my evidence. BUT, my last dealership wasn't structured in such a way to give after hour chats or even regular chats to anyone. So, I tested and checked around and picked a managed chat. I have incredibly high standards and found one that I liked. Is it the best solution in my opinion?... no! But if you keep your vendor partners accountable and share your concerns, they generally don't take it lightly.
I had a great partner who handled my chats really well. I kept an eye on them and make sure the chats were handled with the same tone and customer service touch that I wanted my leads to be handled with. Were there complaints I had from bad chats? Sure! But it wasn't any more than my own staff handling them.
To err... is human afterall.