You said: "Do your research!"
Ahh.... We sell cars here. We are not JCP. We cannot sell via ecommerce, we cannot can ship UPS (ala We don't sell stuff that's hard to find nor unique. We don't make anything. In fact, most of our customers think we all are out to rob them of their 1st born male.
Noting your research error, I return to you my original question.... Show me 5 car dealers that are enjoying ROI from FB efforts. You'd better bring a lunch Cassie, it'll be an all day job.
I'll add this. To find 5, you've churned thru 500 dealers efforts to find those 5. I'll add more depth to your effort. From these 5 that you find, how unique are the MARKETING & OPERATIONS of the 5 dealers (relative to the 500 that have poor results).
For those of you FB fairies that don't work in our vertical, creativity & technology is not our strong suit. Something else you need to know. Our customers don't trust us AND they WANT to negotiate to buy. They arm themselves with information and arrive with boatload of negative equity on the unit they want to tradein.
Lastly, FB has a place in a dealership, it's best used as a sales reps personal tool, more than a dealer's marketing tool. I like adding fixed ops to the FB game plan. I LOVE JK's post and have that book marked for future use:
How to Post DealerRater Reviews to Your Dealerships Facebook Fan Page Wall | DealerRefresh
Okay FB Unicorns and fairies, time for you to counter me with more promises and innuendos!