What is Honda's policy?
Alex, don't I recall that you love Zag?
What is Honda's policy?
Honda's consider's all ZAG quotes to be an advertised price. If you quote a advertised price under invoice, it is violation of Honda's dealer agreement. We don't agree with Honda's assessment, but we have decided to take a no risk approach. We have not been sending automated quotes for over 7 months.
Honda's consider's all ZAG quotes to be an advertised price. If you quote a advertised price under invoice, it is violation of Honda's dealer agreement. We don't agree with Honda's assessment, but we have decided to take a no risk approach. We have not been sending automated quotes for over 7 months.
Alex, don't I recall that you love Zag?
Back in 2009 I started a thread discussing low ball tactics by zag dealers. link
Here's a quote from that thread "ZAG is a disgrace to the car business, and that is saying something given the reputation we all are burdened with! They claim to be the pinnacle of honesty and disclosure but they let their dealers get away with flagrantly ignoring their rules.
In my area and with my brand, the problem I have is dealers including rebates and incentives in their ZAG pricing. Well, you're not supposed to do that, so if you do your price suddenly looks up to $3-4k lower than your competition. I've called to complain about that, explained exactly what the other dealers are doing, and given them the math showing that the other dealers could not POSSIBLY be selling the cars for that price (I don't care how desperate you are, a $3k net net loser? come on!) and ZAG has blown me off. The answer I have gotten is "Well, no members have complained about this happening." No shit. Of course they're not going to complain after they've already bought the car. Wouldn't you feel like a total idiot after being bumped for $3k from some stupid low ball price? I would..."
ZAG is just another example of one of those companies that WE GIVE MONEY so that they can help customers PAY US LESS. How does this business model make sense?
And so, my ZAG prices take into account that I'm going to have to pay them $300 and I have a reasonable margin built in. If customers want to go fight with other dealerships who straight up lie to them, more power to them. I don't do business like that.
Honda's consider's all ZAG quotes to be an advertised price. If you quote a advertised price under invoice, it is violation of Honda's dealer agreement. We don't agree with Honda's assessment, but we have decided to take a no risk approach. We have not been sending automated quotes for over 7 months.
That's very helpful to know. Thanks a lot. Do your vehicles ultimately sell at the original quoted price?