- Mar 21, 2012
- 1,030
- 1,341
- Awards
- 10
- First Name
- Ryan
Exciting news! We've revolutionized our review process with the power of ChatGPT and the OpenAI API. Say goodbye to manual posting, as our new online reviews are now automatically shared on Facebook in real-time.
From selecting the best part of the review to creating stunning graphics and crafting engaging post text, we've got it all covered.
First, I used Open AI's API to pick out the best part of the review (max 25 words so that it will be more visually appealing on a graphic).
Then, I used an image generation API to create a social media graphic for the shortened review from a set of 20+ pre-designed templates (it randomly selects a template, so there's ad variety).
Finally, Open AI writes the social media post text and then shares it all on Facebook!
And that's just the beginning! We're also expanding posting to Google Business Profile and Instagram, and soon, we'll be integrating with the Facebook Marketing API to retarget our website visitors and constantly remind them of our great reputation.
What are your thoughts on ChatGPT, and how are you using it in your workflow?
From selecting the best part of the review to creating stunning graphics and crafting engaging post text, we've got it all covered.
First, I used Open AI's API to pick out the best part of the review (max 25 words so that it will be more visually appealing on a graphic).
Then, I used an image generation API to create a social media graphic for the shortened review from a set of 20+ pre-designed templates (it randomly selects a template, so there's ad variety).
Finally, Open AI writes the social media post text and then shares it all on Facebook!
And that's just the beginning! We're also expanding posting to Google Business Profile and Instagram, and soon, we'll be integrating with the Facebook Marketing API to retarget our website visitors and constantly remind them of our great reputation.
What are your thoughts on ChatGPT, and how are you using it in your workflow?
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