Wanted to let the community know that my Tech issues have been handled. Thank you.
That's great. However, it shouldn't have taken a post on DealerRefresh to get your problems fixed.
Wanted to let the community know that my Tech issues have been handled. Thank you.
I agree. For example, to change our site text from "trebuchet ms" to "Arial" - which is simply changing the name in the css file - it will be $150.
That is crazy! Our rep said the high price is due to the hourly rate they charge, which must be around $1000 per hour because that is a 2 minute change - at the most!
That's great. However, it shouldn't have taken a post on DealerRefresh to get your problems fixed.
This is a gripe that I share as well. I know exactly what I need to change in the HTML, but I have no access to change it and its an outrageously expensive billable service.
Jake, I don't think there will ever be a solution to this with any major website provider. If you truly want unique content, you will have to go in and edit what is there or create your own. If you need some help or guidance, let me know, I have created over 1000 pages of custom content on our sites, and the payoff is tremendous in SEO if you are willing to take the time to do it...
As far as people being mad that they cannot edit code themselves...
@AlexSnyder - I get a report every morning detailing yesterday's follow up phone call results and I respond to everyone that warrants a response. Moreover, when a customer completes an online survey, the results come directly to me and my customer relations manager. Now, I understand the scale issue here. DDC is a much bigger company then us but the responsiveness to tech concerns and customer surveys is not very good.