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I am BEYOND frustrated with Dealer.com

I agree. For example, to change our site text from "trebuchet ms" to "Arial" - which is simply changing the name in the css file - it will be $150.

That is crazy! Our rep said the high price is due to the hourly rate they charge, which must be around $1000 per hour because that is a 2 minute change - at the most!

This is a gripe that I share as well. I know exactly what I need to change in the HTML, but I have no access to change it and its an outrageously expensive billable service.
That's great. However, it shouldn't have taken a post on DealerRefresh to get your problems fixed.

You're right - it shouldn't take a post to get a problem resolved, but unfortunately that is the real world for virtually any organization. Is the dealer principle at your group talking to each and every service customer about their problems? No, he's working on operational things, but his attention is changed when a customer sends him an email about a problem she is experiencing in service. At that time, he works to resolve that problem and usually makes some changes to the process so that problem doesn't happen the same way again.

That is the beauty of DealerRefresh. We all have an equally louder voice that our attentive vendors listen to :thumbup: - use it as needed.

This is a gripe that I share as well. I know exactly what I need to change in the HTML, but I have no access to change it and its an outrageously expensive billable service.

Art & Jake - can each of you send me an email with exactly what you're needing: alex DOT snyder AT dealer DOT com.
Jake, I don't think there will ever be a solution to this with any major website provider. If you truly want unique content, you will have to go in and edit what is there or create your own. If you need some help or guidance, let me know, I have created over 1000 pages of custom content on our sites, and the payoff is tremendous in SEO if you are willing to take the time to do it...

Yes I understand this and I have created 150+ within the 3 sites, however, they remove the content and replace it with the out-of-the-box content because their "professionals" assume their content is better than mine.

This all without a warning of removal of content or anything. Really weird if you ask me.
We have a had a generally good experience with dealer.com.

As far as people being mad that they cannot edit code themselves... we us Cobalt for our website so I know the feeling... but lets be serious... if these companies let you start playing with source code... the phone calls into support starting with "I broke it and can't fix it" would be amazing in terms of volume.
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As far as people being mad that they cannot edit code themselves...

You can edit HTML per page, but the CSS resides with Dealer.com. Like you said, one can really mess a whole site up by playing with the source code and that is why we have to keep that portion internal. There are also some manufacturer restrictions that come into play for compliance and we need to be sure we aren't breaking their terms.

But with that said - Art and Jake, please send me that email I asked for. I want to personally give you two a hand.
Why wouldn't a dealer not want to post to YouTube? I think its very important for dealers to post their walk arounds and inventory.
Benefits of YouTube Marketing:

· Can view videos on mobile smartphones; can’t really view banner ads, post cards, or other traditional marketing methods on phones
· Descriptions and titles of YouTube videos are indexed on major search engines, especially Google since they own YouTube
· Customizable YouTube channel (profile) where you can showcase your videos and also favorites (which may be providing a service to a user- eg seatbelt safety) helps your dealership establish a personalized presence—can add dealer colors and logo.
· Different medium to display information—some customers may appreciate seeing/hearing a car run and the car’s interior via a video before test driving it.
· Video can humanize your dealership- eg showcase a different salesperson in a “sales showcase†as a weekly or monthly feature, can show video of dealership events, video testimonials of new customers, service tips from your service department (eg why you need to change your oil every 3000 miles or how to tell if you need to replace your tires).
· YouTube videos *may* get indexed faster than webpages because YouTube is already an established website

Additional Resources:
7 Benefits of Online Video Marketing for Local Businesses YouTube - 7 Benefits of Online Video Marketing for Local Businesses
5 Reasons YouTube Should Be A Part of Your Social Marketing Strategy

1. Cost free - Unlike other means of advertising, YouTube videos are shown for free. There is no required budget for your campaign and not cost per click..
2. Global audience - YouTube marketing takes your website global. It is viewed by people all over the world.
3. Viral effect - Interesting YouTube videos that evoke any kind of positive response from viewers are usually shared by viewers with their friends and family members. As a result, soon your popularity increases with minimum effort on your video. You simply have to upload a good video and your job is done.
4. Climbing up the ladder in Google's SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) - As the video on YouTube highlights the URL of your main website; many viewers are often prompted to visit the site to know more about the services or products that are on offer. So, the hits on your site increases by leaps and bounds with YouTube marketing which enhances your search engine rankings.
5. Making your own customized channel or customer base - Whenever a video is added to a YouTube account, it leads to the creation of one profile channel by itself. Keen viewers usually form a part of this channel and may also take its subscription. One may also promote their websites further by sending newsletters through e-mails to these subscribers. In other words, it can aid in building your customer list.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1884558
We have also had problems with support at Dealer.com and I have made my concerns known to people like Pat Workman. I also fill out the surveys that come out from the CMO or whoever they come from. I also list my concerns and put my name at the bottom to be contacted and nothing ever happens.

My biggest concerns are lack of responsiveness and platform rigidity with respect to adding/changing things. I agree with Kevin Frye that we'll never get a truly custom environment unless we do our own thing. I'd love to do that but the manufacturers mandated website programs make it hard. Yes we could maintain duplicate websites but that just increases overhead to manage and frankly, is just plain silly.

@AlexSnyder - I get a report every morning detailing yesterday's follow up phone call results and I respond to everyone that warrants a response. Moreover, when a customer completes an online survey, the results come directly to me and my customer relations manager. Now, I understand the scale issue here. DDC is a much bigger company then us but the responsiveness to tech concerns and customer surveys is not very good.

My sites do perform well in terms of traffic metrics so that I am very pleased with but support is a good 4 or 5 on a scale of 1 to 10.
@AlexSnyder - I get a report every morning detailing yesterday's follow up phone call results and I respond to everyone that warrants a response. Moreover, when a customer completes an online survey, the results come directly to me and my customer relations manager. Now, I understand the scale issue here. DDC is a much bigger company then us but the responsiveness to tech concerns and customer surveys is not very good.

Andy - you know you can always call me. Has anything come-up since we last went over your analytics?