Just another millennial chiming in here.
I think the biggest problem in our generation is
a lack of accountability. Which stems directly from influence, and an overall shift in perception of what is normal and what isn't. Not to say that we're not at fault, because we can be. But a person is TRULY a product of their environment.
Due to lax parenting styles, what was once broadly considered discipline which is now considered abuse, and an overall desire to gratify so instantaneously. We've fueled the MOST unproductive, unaccountable, terribly mannered, uneducated, immoral, unfaithful, unhappy, unwise, irrational, lustful, and distasteful humans to ever exist.
Truly, our generation may be one of the most lost generations there ever was. With heavy drug/alcohol use no longer an abnormality, marriage becoming less appealing and incredibly unfaithful, conflict and drama preferred over resolve and happiness, I'm here to say there's something missing.. And that's true happiness and contentedness - not to be confused with being complacent.
I don't know about you, but I feel like a 40 year old in a 24 year old body. For a decade I've felt so displaced from my peers, almost as if I never belonged in this generation. I do so much self reflection, we discovered a black hole today: