Guys, I moved 3 of our sites away from DDC and went live on the 7th of this month with Dealer Inspire. I still have 1 site with DDC and thats our Ford website. The primary reason it's still with DDC is because, the expense was just to high to move it over to Dealer Inspire. Plus, we were put into a time crunch with having to sign something to stay in the Co-op program with Ford. They do have DealerOn as one of their Co-op providers as well and we did a demo with DealerOn the same time we demo'ed DI. The DealerOn folks squashed it though.
Note to providers (This means you DealerOn) - Don't spend 90% of your demo time with the decision makers trashing talking your competition. Show your product, the features and how it can benefit the dealer your presenting it to. And by features, I don't mean a freaking pop-up / pop-in coupon!
We do still have some of the lingering page title issues showing in the SRP's but it has been drastically reduced. Ever since the launch I've been covered up with quite a bit of issues and just plain work. I haven't had much time to work on getting everything completely removed. I do need to put some attention on it but I more important fires on my plate right now that I'm having to deal with.