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What's the most annoying thing on your website?

What annoys me the most on our OEM webistes is the fact that they make it very hard to submit email leads. All I need from a customer is their first name, phone OR email (both are not necessary) and vehicle of interest. The rest of the info will be collected by the BDC. Same thing with Finance App, they just make it too long and complicated.
I am a big fan on the E-price Button on Dealer.com websites. (fast and easy to use) we get a ton of leads from that.
Shop Click Drive from GM also grinds my gear. It takes at least 10 min to submit a lead, who's bright idea was that ? :sleep: Of all 2014, we sold a Whooping 1 car from Shop Click Drive & we gave it away lol
p.s. Amir:

MyCars was a tool built on the old UsedCarKing.com [archive.org link] and was my 1st project here. It's specifically designed to assist a shopper to be more 'productive'. It's highly shopper friendly:
  • No login req'd for recently viewed or saving to favorites.
  • Optional registration enables an alert system* and the login enables multi-screen viewing (work/home/mobile).
  • FB login avail (but few shoppers use it)
  • It is dealer group friendly. It works seamlessly over a groups multiple websites (e.g. shopper hops easily from VDP of group's Ford site VDP of group's Nissan site)

*Automatic Alerts
-Change in Price (down or up ;-)
-Change in Incentives
-Change is Status (e.g. Unit was Sold or is Deal Pending)
-New Arrival (matches yr/make/model/trim)


Joe I checked out the old site - Its amazing from version 1 in 2011 to now. The execution of MYcars is great, I think what doesnt get enough props is the navigation where the the phone number always stays with the consumer

Also from the old site...Love the advanced search from the homepage, less yelling more listening to what the consumer wants.... Definitely want to try something like this!!!!
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Most annoying thing I find is when inventory isn't up to date. Many people rely on what's listed on a dealer web site to know what's on the lot vs. having to drive around the lot physically.

I can attest to this. We once added a website button that said "Confirm Availability" and it was our highest performing CTA in the history of that site.
And.... inventory status should be LIVE, not lagging 24hr behind.

Agreed 100%. We use vAuto for this - inventory is updated hourly and we're working with them on a push system.
As soon as the price or availability changes in vAuto, the vehicle gets updated within 60 minutes so it's almost always on point.
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