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Hey everyone, I've been considering using TikTok ads to promote my business, but I'm a bit hesitant. Has anyone here tried them out? I'm curious to know about your experiences—did you see a significant return on investment? How does the cost compare to other platforms like Facebook or Instagram? Also, are there any specific demographics or niches that tend to perform well on TikTok? Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated before I dive in. Thanks in advance for your help!
Would be interesting to know and how they are tracking their 'success'. Certainly the eyeballs are there, but is anyone really anywhere near a funnel when killing time on an app like that? Maybe a 'presence' type play.. if thats what you really want to pay for. I'm guessing if I totally ran out of better advertising options and still, regardless of my best efforts... still had money to blow, maybe tiktok. Maybe.
You would be amazed the success we have had shooting Tik Tok videos (reels, etc.) to help us sell young..... APPLICANTS. Out of nowhere, we had a much younger batch of applicants start applying with us. When asked what had them most interested in the job the number one answer wasn't, "Well, it looks like you guys have a lot of fun here." They saw the young guys doing the videos and realized that we weren't afraid to hire young people. They had figured that a car dealership wouldn't hire them with them being so young. Now we have a problem I've never had in my 7 years here: We are having trouble choosing between them! Just for fun, here is an example video:

You would be amazed the success we have had shooting Tik Tok videos (reels, etc.) to help us sell young..... APPLICANTS. Out of nowhere, we had a much younger batch of applicants start applying with us. When asked what had them most interested in the job the number one answer wasn't, "Well, it looks like you guys have a lot of fun here." They saw the young guys doing the videos and realized that we weren't afraid to hire young people. They had figured that a car dealership wouldn't hire them with them being so young. Now we have a problem I've never had in my 7 years here: We are having trouble choosing between them! Just for fun, here is an example video:

That's great. Can see it for hiring younger people. they definitely go there. Very valid point. Will keep that in mind
Hey everyone, I've been considering using TikTok ads to promote my business, but I'm a bit hesitant. Has anyone here tried them out? I'm curious to know about your experiences—did you see a significant return on investment? How does the cost compare to other platforms like Facebook or Instagram? Also, are there any specific demographics or niches that tend to perform well on TikTok? Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated before I dive in. Thanks in advance for your help!
What is your business? Don't want to assume it's a dealership just because you're posting on a dealership forum..
You would be amazed the success we have had shooting Tik Tok videos (reels, etc.) to help us sell young..... APPLICANTS. Out of nowhere, we had a much younger batch of applicants start applying with us. When asked what had them most interested in the job the number one answer wasn't, "Well, it looks like you guys have a lot of fun here." They saw the young guys doing the videos and realized that we weren't afraid to hire young people. They had figured that a car dealership wouldn't hire them with them being so young. Now we have a problem I've never had in my 7 years here: We are having trouble choosing between them! Just for fun, here is an example video:

That's a very common result. I've seen this happen in auto and elsewhere too.

It makes sense when you think of it.

With video, you have the opportunity to attract people that are attracted to your products & people.

Every dealership I know that's active on social *being social* has no issues recruiting high quality talent.
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Hey Anthony - how did this experiment net out?
Ryan was right. It crushes. We have obliterated our previous KPIs and moved the number. If you trust matchback reports on Facebook, it significantly lowered our cost per lead. Below is a link to a top-performing one from the group level. It's wild how good the numbers are.

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Ryan was right. It crushes. We have obliterated our previous KPIs and moved the number. If you trust matchback reports on Facebook, it significantly lowered our cost per lead. Below is a link to a top-performing one from the group level. It's wild how good the numbers are.

Yep, we've been doing this for a while as well. The content feels organic to the platform, it isn't some super produced OEM style video, and people actually watch it.