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This isn't for video, but check out this 10 foot camera rig that is on my car. Makes some real good photos.



Here are what the shots looked like from this rig.


very smart work Mitch!

I love the literal "sitting on the fence" concept and the traveling GenY dude helping people on the fence as he's walking along. You've got a series here!

Expanding on your awesome concept abit...

I'd like to see our smart phone, genY dude helping others... sitting on the fence (from all walks of life)
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One idea as a close to the "on the fence" video series:

Zoom out to a guy on the fence.
Pull camera back to our genY guy (sitting close to the camera) getting a text from the guy on the fence (far away from camera). Our genY guy reads it aloud and gives a thoughtful "hmmm..." looks into his smart phone again, turns to the guy on the fence (seen in the distance), then heads out walking towards the guy on the fence, fade out with GenY walking away from camera... (this opens an entrance to more vids)
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some notes on your video

Interconnected scenes get ripped when the background audio changes. You have Passing cars & blaring radio, it breaks your thread.

Another Closer Idea:
Goto HomeDepot or Lowes buy a 4foot section of white picket fence, give your gal the prop (fence in front of her, truck behind). She says "Got Questions? Call the nice people at Capital Ford and they'll help you get off the fence" :)
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