Things are still coming to light (offline), but it might be time to give SpinCar the benefit of the doubt. Even though it is questionable that this exact thing seems to have happened twice now
Everything I'm about to say is purely my opinion on reading things. I have not spoken to anyone at SpinCar or Clarivoy.
I think SpinCar has had enormous growth quickly and :thumbup: to them for it! When that rocket ship blasts off it is difficult to do everything cleanly. Judging by the use of dealership names in the script I'm going to guess some quick code was thrown together to get something out the door. The word sloppy comes to mind, but it is understandable when moving at their pace. Plus, this is the advertising side of the car business - it ain't medical equipment or space engineering. My point is that this is forgivable. All it takes is transparency and an apology.
collecting lead data. Is this an accident? Is it being sold for profit somewhere? Does SpinCar even know it is happening? Again, this looks sloppy without a public explanation. If I were a SpinCar dealer I'd want to know EXACTLY what is happening with my customers' personal information off of my website's lead forms. There are potential legal issues to be mindful of.
And if I were SpinCar I'd be diving deep into what "TreasureData" is and where the collected lead data is flowing to. Might there be a partner in the script that did not disclose all that was happening?
With all that's going on in this thread, we will be hosting Jeffrey Tognetti on the next RefreshFriday to focus on (AGAIN) what it means to have scripts on your website. This time the focus will be on the penalties coming in 2020 from California's version of GDPR.
TreasureData is fired by Clarivoy in, which is fired by u.clarivoy.script.setAttribute("src", "//") in code:
! function(t, i) {
if (void 0 === i[t]) {
i[t] = function() {
i[t].clients.push(this), this._init = []
}, i[t].clients = [];
for (var e = function(t) {
return function() {
return this["_" + t] = this["_" + t] || [], this["_" + t].push(, this
}, a = ["addRecord", "set", "trackEvent", "trackPageview", "ready"], n = 0; n < a.length; n++) {
var o = a[n];
i[t].prototype[o] = e(o)
var r = document.createElement("script");
r.type = "text/javascript", r.async = !0, r.src = ("https:" === document.location.protocol ? "https:" : "http:") + "//";
var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
s.parentNode.insertBefore(r, s)
}("Clarivoy", this);
var td = new Clarivoy({
host: "",
database: "hits",
writeKey: "5623/e2aef8b67ca3206cc64f6baa5843b838d573e9c6"
properties = {};
var property_id = properties[window.location.hostname.replace(/^www\./i, "")] || "",
plugins = "";
if (navigator.plugins) {
for (var np = navigator.plugins, plist = new Array, i = 0; i < np.length; i++) {
= + "; ", plist += np.description + "; ", plist += np.filename + ";";
for (var n = 0; n < np.length; n++) plist += " (" + np[n].description + "; " + np[n].type + "; " + np[n].suffixes + ")";
plist += ". "
for (plist.sort(), i = 0; i < np.length; i++) plugins += "Plugin " + i + ": " + plist
var timezone = "";
try {
var timezone = (new Date).getTimezoneOffset().toString()
} catch (e) {}
var cookies = navigator.cookieEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled";
td.set("$global", "clarivoy_property_id", property_id), td.set("$global", "clarivoy_user_agent", window.navigator.userAgent), td.set("$global", "clarivoy_plugins", plugins), td.set("$global", "clarivoy_timezone", timezone), td.set("$global", "clarivoy_cookies", cookies), td.set("$global", "td_global_id", "td_global_id"), td.trackPageview("pageviews");