It has been brought to my attention that due to what has been posted here, there is a smear campaign in the works. Knowing this I figured I’d get out ahead of it.
What has been provided here is strictly factual with no agenda or personal attacks and because of these posts my character has been called in to question due to an unfortunate prosecution some 20 years ago, which to this day, I wear as a badge of honor.
Why? Because I’m not the only innocent person who has been convicted of crime with no evidence rather than going against my beliefs and pleading to a something I didn’t do.
But don’t take my word for it, if your so inclined, read what the Judge thought and how she ultimately resolved the case in the attached 24 page order. The Judge highlighted the lengths in which prosecutors will go to get a conviction, and how the jury themselves determined there was no loss and no intended loss.
-Again 0 Loss l 0 Intended Loss-
With no intent was there even a crime? The Judge didn’t think so. Nor did the SEC which audited my Broker Dealer and found no wrong doing.
So what was the end result?
Because the Judge and the SEC found that there was no loss/no intended loss and the facts were so misrepresented in the case I was allowed to continue in the securities business, which is unheard of. That’s right, My Broker Dealer continued operations for years after the conviction, I didn’t spend a day in jail and ultimately paid a small fine.
Fortunately, the almost 20 years which passed have been good to me. I have had three more beautiful children, continued to enjoy lifelong friendships and live well. Transitioning my software initiatives from finance to automotive in 2003 was a seminal moment in my career, one that has led to countless client successes and a business continually delivering double digit millions per year in earnings. Proof it is possible to survive the curve balls life can throw at anyone. And as you can probably imagine I’m not the only one who has survived and then thrived in Automotive after having stumbled in the past; one needs to look no further than Carvana who has two such people at the helm whom went on with their lives and built a $8 Billion dollar company.
I have no regrets nor would I have changed anything which happened during that extraordinarily difficult period of time. That said, I can understand people wanting to know who they’re doing business with and in continuing to be the transparent person I’ve always been, I’ve posted the Judge’s order here:
Everyone loves an underdog and it’s a fascinating short read!