I posted a link but I understand this may be more convenient for those who may be interested.
One of our stores won the GM Innovation Award for 2018 (first time ever for a Canadian dealer) for an application I developed for our group in-house. There is no doubt whatsoever that personalized, direct video answering questions or concerns wins deals and service work... zero doubt. If you don't have this as a process, I can guarantee, you are missing out. We have the stats, the dollars per RO, the sales, the comments from customers, the uptake in business despite a downturn in the overall industry. Simple as that.
The videos go to our customers in sales, service and subprime. Like in the video, the chev store alone sent 60,000 videos to customers in 2018. Some notes: at this rate they expect over $300,000 in customer pay over 2018. Sold more filters then anyone in Canada. Brake service up 220% etc
Much like the video says: nothing comes close to the change in the past 10 years in service
Sales sends average 150 videos per day as does service (open and closed RO). They send a thank you video in service for CSI for example